Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Ta Da!

So there you go. I've up and joined the blog bandwagon. I don't profess to be a very good writer, and I know I certainly can't compare to the likes of my favorite food bloggers at Smitten Kitchen, Simply Recipes or The Amateur Gourmet .

Oh crap. Now that I've told you about those real bloggers, you'll probably never come back. What have I done?

Hmph. Well, if you do return you'll find some recipe reviews, some entertaining menus, some foodie events and festivals and maybe even a restaurant review or two. And please, I welcome comments! I've always thought my family and friends have been one of the best resources for cooking advice. Since I don't think I'll ever get Granny Annie on, you guys will have to make up for it!


Kelly Price said...

What a great idea. You did a wonderful job displaying your recipes. I'm sure you'll get plenty of recipe ideas and wine/beer suggestions. Very creative!

Love ya


Anonymous said...

sweet...i'll tune in. jenny
