Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Project 52: Language

I've been toying with the idea of doing a Project 52, taking a photo related to different theme each week. There are a few out there that you can follow - Paint the Moon has one, My 3 Boybarians has one. Those are fine but I realized that my  photography group essentially has the same concept going on, in the form of a "Picture of the Week" contest. So, I'm going to shoot for each of those POTW themes as my own version of a Project 52. I doubt I'll enter the contest each week but I do plan to photograph something in those categories and blog them. Lucky you!

This week's theme was language.  Neither of these images is stellar, I know. But what the hell? If I only posted stuff that was good, you wouldn't have anything to make fun of behind my back.

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